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Homework 0

Due Tuesday 29 August 2017 at 11:59 PM Central time.

Do the following:

  • Sign up for a Github username
  • Open a terminal. On Mac OS X, this will be a program called Terminal in your Applications/Utilities folder. On Windows, you will likely need to download and set up a third-party program such as PuTTY. On Linux, this will be the GNOME Terminal or KDE Konsole, or the equivalent.
  • At the command line within the terminal emulator, connect to the server using ssh. Your username is your NetID, and your password should be your NetID password. Note: to connect to the server from off campus, you may first need to connect to the campus network using an approved VPN client.
  • At the command line on the server, use the vi text editor to open the file ~/.who_am_I
vi ~/.who_am_I
  • Use cat to verify that you have successfully saved your changes to .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 2
cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1
  • Use cat, tail, cut, and pipes to verify that you have successfully recorded your github username in .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 4
  • Use cat, tail, cut, and pipes to verify that your NetID is still correctly recorded your in .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3
  • Disconnect from the server