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Homework 00

Do the following:

  • Sign up for a Github username
  • Open a terminal. On Mac OS X, this will be a program called Terminal in your Applications/Utilities folder. On Windows, you will likely need to download and set up a third-party program such as PuTTY. On Linux, this will be the GNOME Terminal or KDE Konsole, or the equivalent.
  • At the command line within the terminal emulator, connect to the server using ssh. Your username is your NetID, and your password should be your NetID password. Note: to connect to the server from off campus, you may first need to connect to the campus network using an approved VPN client.
  • At the command line on the server, type the following command to create the file ~/.who_am_I
echo -e "WWW\tXXX\tYYY\tZZZ" > ~/.who_am_I
  • Use cat to verify that you have successfully saved your changes to .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I

You should see this:


  • At the command line on the server, use the vi text editor to open the file ~/.who_am_I
vi ~/.who_am_I
  • Use cat to verify that you have successfully saved your changes to .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I

You should see something like this (except with your name and IDs):

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cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 2

You should see something like this (except with your first name):


cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1

You should see something like this (except with your last name):


  • Use cat, tail, cut, and pipes to verify that you have successfully recorded your github username in .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 4

You should see something like this (except with your Github ID):


  • Use cat, tail, cut, and pipes to verify that your NetID is still correctly recorded your in .who_am_I
cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3

You should see something like this (except with your netID):


cat ~/.who_am_I | tail -n 1 | tr '\t' '\n' | wc -l

You should see exactly this:


If you see anything other than 4, or if any of the previous validation steps don’t match what you actually see, you have a problem with your file, and you will not receive credit for the assignment. The most common problem is the use of spaces instead of tabs. You must use tabs, not spaces, to separate the entries in the file.

  • Disconnect from the server